So I've been tagged by fleegle and this would be the first time I've ever been tagged. The name of this one is THE POWER OF 7. In this variation of a chain letter, I'm supposed to post the rules on my blog, tag 7 other people and notify them they have been tagged so they can also participate in answering the same question.
The question?
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
1) I have never passed-on a chain letter. Since tagging is sort of the same, I won't be picking anyone to answer the question, but I think the question is a cool one and anyone who wants to just go ahead and post 7 facts on their blog about themselves should go ahead and do so :-)
2) I am allergic to alcohol.
3) I'm a Scorpio.
4) One of the reasons I wanted to learn how to spin was because I thought it would be ironic to be a spinster who actually knew how to spin.
5) I took two semesters of swimming and never did learn how to breathe while swimming (though I could swim the length of the pool on one breath).
6) I co-wrote a Regency Romance novel that was published by Ballentine Books when I was 20 years old.
7) I got a tattoo of a tiger on my shoulder when I turned 40.
That's it! It's much harder than you might think to come up with 7 things about yourself that have nothing to do with my knitting but I had fun reading fleegles.