Thursday, July 13, 2006

Cashmere is here! (And why I will be using the Shetland)

I received some very nice cones of Cashmere singles in the mail today from ColorMartUK in the United Kingdom. Four cones of what they label as their "cobweb weight" and one of the purple that is laceweight as well as a complimentary cone of pale blue, also laceweight, which they gave me for accepting the white even though it was not all on one cone. Above, you can see on the dime, two strands of yarn. The top is the Cashmere, the bottom is the Shetland. The Cashmere is larger, coarser and not as tightly spun as the Shetland. So, while Cashmere is nice, it will not go into the WRS (ie Wedding Ring Shawl). So tonight, the adventure begins! It won't be exciting. The center starts with six rows of garter stitch which will help ease me into the work at hand. I also got my additional needles in the mail (Inox US 0 24 inch cable and Susan Bates 14 inch straights in metal) so I'm all set!
I will report back when I have something to show! May be a little while though!


  1. Anonymous4:39 AM

    At least you now have the cashmere for a future lace project. Yum! I'll be following your lace knitting progress. Do you remember where you purchased the Mountain Pines shawl pattern?

  2. Dear Janet,

    Yes, I'm happy to have the Cashmere even if it's not for this project. I have a weakness for Cashmere as I have other balls/cones in my stash.

    I purchased the pattern for Boundary Waters/Mountain Pines while I was at Stitches West one year. It was published originally by "Wool You Order" but they changed their name to "Two Old Bags". It was a booklet that had both patterns in it. I don't know where you might get it now but If I find out, I will post it!


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