Monday, April 02, 2007

Thousands of Stitches (The Wedding Ring Shawl Border)

It's slow going to knit the border so the pictures are not very inspired. However, I thought I just had to show that I'm actually knitting . I'm only managing a row or two every other night between work, reading and other activity's including a few rows on other shawls. I'm going slow so I don't have to pick back too much. I'll try to make more progress before the next post. I also took time this weekend to dye some cashmere laceweight yarn I purchased on E-Bay at one of my favorite shops, ColourMartUk. I tried to dye it black but I misread the amount needed to and ended up with uneven black/grey/dirty white yarn. It wasn't very expensive so I decided to over-dye it with Violet. It looks much nicer this way. Good Knitting!


  1. Black is very difficult to get. True black that is. The WRS is getting there!

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Looks great so far! :) And your violet yarn is lovely--it will make some striking lace!

  3. Swoons.

    and that purple is wonderful. Can you replicate it? Like: dye yarn a gritty gray and overdye with purple?

  4. Dear laritza,

    Thank You! One of the reasons I decided to make The Wedding Ring Shawl was looking at the beautiful one you finished in July 2006. I know I complain of the number of stitches but it really is engrossing to knit it.

  5. Dear Alice,

    The yarn is actually pretty even if it sprang from a mistake. There are some areas of almost solid black with just a faint over-dye of violet and other smaller areas that are more deeply violet. I am toying with the idea of doing Spider Queen with it. I think I'll check the yardage required. It will be a more solid shawl as a result, but it means I could wear it more or give it to a friend to wear. I think I'll swatch it in my "spare" time :-)

  6. Dear fleegle,

    If I did it again, I think I would be more deliberate and tie areas tigher on purpose in order to see if I could control the areas that ended up more violet or I could use actual purple. Now that I know getting a "true" black is so difficult according to laritza, I will be buying black yarn for the Dragone Shawl rather than trying to dye it myself. That means I can experiment on the other cone of cashmere and some of the other yarns I have in white :-)

  7. Jane, I know I said I wanted border pictures, but really I know they are going to drive me finish the Princess. I am just desperate to start the WRS. I am going to go knit now.
    The WRS does look amazing, and I am still debating the silk thread I have or get a cone from Sharon. I have done a few of the swatches of her samples, so should probably do the same with the thread I have already.

    Keep on going with the WRS pictures, it's gorgeous, and inspiring.

  8. Dear Kathy,

    You are making wonderful progress on the Princess Shawl so I know you will eventually get to The Wedding Ring Shawl as well. I would love to see you swatch in silk. I tried knitting in silk. My dry skin caused endless problems with catching so you may want to try to condition your hands a little before you try swatching. I will continue to post progress!

  9. i'm rooting for you on the WRS and will be happy to look at any and all pictures!
    and can i say? i just ADORE that blackish-violet yarn. that is really an exciting color.

  10. Dear Anne

    Thank you for your encouragement on the WRS. I have to keep checking myself while I knit these very long rows because having to pick back would really be discouraging at this point. It's slow going but I will post when I have something that looks respectable.

    I really like the blackish-violet yarn too. I don't imagine I could do it again if I tried though.


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