Thursday, July 12, 2007

Legends Of The Shetland Seas (center done, on to the border)

I've completed the center for the Legends Stole and I'm now going to set it aside for awhile while I try to finish the border for the Sampler Stole. I'm a third of the way done with the second border and I really want to get this thing done so I can start another lace project. So, hard as it is for me to do it, I will try to focus my attention to only three things. Sampler, Boundary Waters edging and WRS. Spun Stitches will just have to wait! I have also posted a shot an additional ball of yarn I bought when I went back to Lacis this last Saturday. It's a two ply cobweb and it would have been easier to knit with (no twisting back on itself) for the WRS but it's a bit heavier than my singles so no regrets. For those who might be interested, Lacis now has a lace knitting group that gets together the first Saturday of the month. They met for the first time this month and, predictably, I was late. I don't usually join actual groups because I have so very little free time and it's not fair to those in the group if you come late or don't show up so I won't try to join them though they all were very nice people who knit some amazing lace. If you are interested, go to the side bar of my blog and check out their forum. Still drooling over my new book and I pulled out my volumes of modern lace knitting and I'm waiting for an additional book from Schoolhouse Press to come. I bet you know which one but I'll post it when it gets here. Good Knitting!


  1. Jane, I never got an email from you!

    Anyway, LoTTS was the first lace piece I did, back about 4 years ago, I absolutely love it, it is one of the few pieces I have kept for myself.

    I did mine in the Thistledown, and loved that too, but I love the colour of yours, I think I need to do some dark lace again soon, the darkest I have done recently is in a deep burnt red colour, I haven't posted about it, but will soon I think.

    The borders of the stole are great, I love when you get to the borders after all those repeats. They are my favourite bit.

  2. Dear Jane--

    Harry is so delighted that you are also knitting Sacred Webs. He says you did a fantastic job, even though you put three mosquitos in the centers instead of two. He likes the Pachinko balls scattered around the other areas, but wonders why you left out the karaoke machines? Are they in the border somewhere?

  3. as always your work is looking lovely... I love the shading on the yarn....

    Could I be cheeky and ask on the even side rows which methods of decreases do you use ssp or p2togtbl for your right slanting decrease?

  4. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Beautiful work! (Betcha wish you had more hands to make more lace :) I think I may get to Lacis soon! Sounds like they have a few things I may like! Terry

  5. Dear Kathy,

    I don't know why, but when I tried to e-mail before it kept comming back "failure" to deliver so I'm trying again. Hope it goes through this time but I left a message on your blog with my e-mail address for you to try to get me as well.
    I'm enjoying this stole in a dark color. There was a period of time I bought a lot of darker colored fiber to spin because I had gotten tired of pastel.It swings back and forth :-)

  6. Dear fleegle and Harry,

    There is more yet to come in the border, "oh master of the webs of life"! Though we do not expect our humble offerings to match those of a master knitter/spinner and designer such as Harry. You will just have to have a little patience to see what comes next!

  7. Dear littleberry,

    This pattern never heard of left/right slanting decreases. It uses knit two together for all of the single decreases odd or even rows alike. In fact, though Sharon Millers pattern for the WRS gives instructions for left and right leaning decreases, I gave up and did knit two together because It looks good enough for me in the cobweb weight yarn and I have this problem with the whole "left vs right" perception thing. In the new books I just got, however, they do appear to care so I try to follow directions and "knit inside the lines" :-)

  8. Dear Terry,

    One of the reasons I envy Harry over at fleegles place is that he has that old arachnoid advantage of multipal hands. It's a shame I have to work and commute or I would be home knitting and reading all day. Lacis is a wonderful place that I have loved for many years. When the original owner passed away I was really fearful the shop would just disappear it continues to be a terrific place to get all things lace related. I think you would like it a lot!

  9. The Legends is beautiful. Specially considering it is handspun. I have to get the stuff I have started finished so I can start my next shawl. A Sharon Miller I think it will be.

  10. I'm really trying hard let go of my jealousy over the fact that you can just pop into Lacis whenever you want. :)

    The stole looks fabulous, of course--the color changes are working really well with that pattern!

  11. I, too, and fighting insane jealousy over not living close to Lacis. :-)

    As always, your lace is totally stunning!! I know exactly what you mean about it being hard to concentrate on what you've already got going rather than jumping into a new project.

    I can't wait to see the Shetland Seas in its finished glory!

  12. I love the way the colors highlight the design in Legends of the Shetland Seas....and the colors are so very "shetland".

  13. Dear laritza,

    I know how you feel. Much as I enjoy knitting my projects (except for Peacock) I always want to start new ones so I have to keep a strict hold on myself and try to finish something first before I begin again. I have several projects in mind (Still waiting for my copies of Three Corner Shawls) and I have a Sharon Miller in the Wings with Dragone. Not enough hours in the day! Happy Knitting.

  14. Dear missalicefaye,

    I do love going to Lacis but I try to limit it to when I actually need something or I'd go broke! Good thing they don't have a lot of actual yarn but the other stuff is just as leathal! For multi-crafters this is paradise!

  15. I too am insanely jealous of your proximity to Lacis, I have once been out to CA, and swore I would never go again, however that was in my pre lace days, I think I could be convinced now.....

  16. Dear Kat,

    I had to place a limit on what I can have "on the needles" or I'd never get done. I want to get the edging of Boundary Waters and get the Sampler Stole done first so Legends will have to take a back seat for a week. Of course, I could frog "Peacock Feathers" and start something new. Hmmmmm. I've got to take it out and look at it again. As for Lacis, all I can say is that I love the place and wish there was one in everyones home town just like it. The current exhibit of vintage lace they have on display in the shop is so awesome that you almost feel the presence of the people who labored to make them. I was amazed. I wonder if people will feel that way in the future about what we are all doing? All that heartfelt labor and patience? I think we all deserve chocolate and I mean Right Now!

  17. Dear Valerie,

    You know, I didn't see it until you said that but it sort of reminds me of Faire Isle? I don't color knit but like those colorways. Thank you for your post! I appreciate your looking in and I'm glad you like the stole.

  18. Dear kathy

    I was born in San Francisco and have always looked on Berkeley as "another land". It's way different that lots of other places in the Bay Area so maybe you would not dislike it as much as other places in California. Of course, there is always the on-line store and you could perhaps just join their knitting forum and see how you felt about them? See the side bar.They don't limit themselves to knitted lace or lace knitting, they have supplies for tatting, bobbin lace, silk ribbon embroidery,crochet. They even have a service for brides who want something made with a vintage feel or using vintage materials. They do not however have a large selection of yarn. More like specilized yarn like the cobweb weight yarn. Maybe if you have a like-minded group of others who would go with you it could be a "road trip" Think about it!


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