Buying a pattern is not the same as knitting it. Honest! This very beautiful and clever pattern is by Sharon Winsauer, better known as the "Mistress of Knitting Pain" (http://www.aurora-alpacas.com/) .
Yes, it's the infamous "Heere Be Dragone" pattern. It costs $12.00 and if you are within the USA there is no shipping or handling fee. If you are in Canada, it is $2.00 and it is $6.00 in Australia. She accepts personal checks (US only please) as well as Pay Pal, Master Card or Visa. If you mail an order into her and are using a credit card, she will need your Name, Phone number, Address on credit card account if it is different than your mailing address, Credit Card number, Expiration date as well as the 3 digit security code from the back of the credit card. You can contact her at Aurora Alpacas, 11020 N. Watson Rd. Bath, MI 48808 (517-641-6479). I just cut to the chase and sent her a check for the $12.00 and received my pattern very promptly I might add. Sharon also has some other very nifty patterns and she included her catalogue with my order. I'm providing this information because I just know others will want to make this shawl and if you go to her site like I did, you will not find any link to order this or her other patterns. Yes my pretties, you would then be forced, as I was, to contact her by e-mail for specifics. So there!
This pattern is 15 pages long, not including the pretty picture on the front which you see above. She has to print this picture to prove that it is possible to knit this shawl. Just beat me with a big stick someone. It would be less painful than it will be to knit this shawl. Sigh. Of course I have to finish a shawl before I can start this one. Same for Spider Queen. All the same, there is plenty of preliminary work to be done.
First will come the reading of the pattern to see if my feeble mind can comprehend it's slithering greatness. Then the quest for the right yarn shall begin throughout the kingdom of "Stash" well into the outer kingdom of "Retail Therapy" if no champion worthy to take up arms against this monster can be found locally. God help us!
I have joined the Yahoo Group KAL for this one too, though it will be awhile before I can start.
Short post today. I must pick back 4 rows of the Peacock. I dropped a stitch and it ran back 4 rows. Silk pretty, dropped stitches BAD!
Flirting with carpal tunnel, yours truly!