I believe we all learn from each other. Not just the actually hands-on teaching of knitting, or publishing a pattern or book for others to enjoy, but the inspirations by example that we unconsciously set as we knit for ourselves and those we cherish. I love reading every one else's blogs because I really do get inspired. Missalicefaye is busy finishing her Wedding Ring Shawl and serial knitting other projects just as stunning. She just posted her next project at her blog and it's a pattern I have myself. I bought it years ago and did not think I could knit it at the time because I felt daunted by stitch techniques I did not recognize. I pulled my copy out and now I wonder what the heck I was so concerned about. Time and experience march on. If you like the "Lace Christening Shawl" by Gema Ord, you can get a copy at Shetlandtoday though I got my copy from Jamison Smith originally. I bet they have them still though they don't advertise specific patterns for shawls/wraps etc. at the site. I have not thought of this pattern in many years but now I am interested to see how it comes out for missalicefaye. You never know, it may go on my long list of things to knit. Opal has put" Spider Queen " by Hazel Carter, on her list too so maybe my pictures gave her a little nudge. As you can see, I've posted pictures of a pattern I just had to buy to add to the conga-line of shawls I want to knit. The "Reflections Shawl" by Sharon Winsauer was designed to go with The Alpaca Yarn Company's Suri Elegance line of alpaca yarn. I love it and I know it will likely drive me mad, if her "Heere Be Dragone" shawl, also by Sharon Winsauer, doesn't kill me first that is. I know some people might not have tried any lace yet, but I'd like to think that watching those of use have fun with our lace might make some others give it a try! I have posted some pictures of my sister-in-law Melinda's knitting. The first thing she ever knit that she considers "lace" is the scarf you see with the hearts that she made her daughter. She had learned to do a "yarn over" to make eyelets in a vest and this scarf was her second knitting project after that vest. Melinda discovered, as many of the rest of us have, that lace is just knit, purl and yarn-over stitches that are being manipulated one way or another. Everything else is just a little practice. The pretty pink variegated lace is the"Estonian Garden Wrap & Scarf " pattern by Evelyn Clark published by Fiber Trends. My sister-in-law is making the scarf for a co-worker from variegated merino singles she bought at Stitches West from "Tess". I think her work is just beautiful and she says she is really enjoying making the lace. That's the part I really like, that she is enjoying herself and hopes to bring pleasure to someone she really likes. I wish everything I did had that kind of a result! As for the pictures of plants, we have not had time to do much in the garden, but even then it gives us great beauty and inspiration, if you take the time to look! Good Knitting and Inspiration to you all!