So I finished a shawl, but it's one of the" no-brainer", ones so I'm not sure it counts for very much in the way of completion. I think I have to replace it with another very simple shawl rather than a more challenging project. After all, not all the things you knit should threaten to give you an aneurysm everytime you go to pick it up! It doesn't justify starting, say, the Spider Queen. I will have to go through my pattern library and look for something suitable. Now I don't photograph well, but the close-up has about the right colors of this shawl. The yarn from Blue Moon Fiber Arts. (http://www.bluemoonfiberarts.com/ ). It's called Rio, is 100% rayon and the colorway is Lagoon (800 yds/8 oz). The pattern is "Simply Garter" , designer Judy Pascal for Contemporary Concepts. It drapes nicely but I really can't say I'd do this shawl again. For the time it took I think I'd rather be knitting something with a pattern in it.
WRS is currently stalled. I've been trying to finish Peacock Feathers Shawl and Mountain Pines first so I can stop looking at them. I also will need them for Christmas very likely as it is September ladies and gentlemen. I confess to swatching Spider Queen with some of my Cashmere/Silk at the suggestion of missalicefaye. What can I say? When she's right, she's right. Anyone who has not been to her site really should go have a look. Yes, I know. She has some really beautiful things done and she's working on the "Unst Shawl" by Sharon Miller. And I complain about the WRS! I shall bite my tongue from here on out. Which reminds me. On the Yahoo Group for those working with Sharon Miller patterns, they are saying that she has another book coming out soon. There are no pre-orders as yet, but I await the next book with great interest. Not that I will likely knit anything from it, but I do love to look at all the wonderful things I might do.
Progress report. I'm on row 67 of the Mountain Pines boarder (it goes to 99 rows then the edging is added). On Peacock Feathers Shawl I'm on row 167 (still in chart 6) with 4 more pattern rows before I end up with chart 7. WRS I'm still only half-way up the second repeat (where I stopped to concentrate on the other shawls). I plan to work on the Shetland Circular Shawl once I finish MP and PFS. I want all of them off the needles and gone so I can do some new things along with WRS which will be the perpetual challenge to my knitting tolerance for the next year. Thank the Lord that there is no time limit for WRS.
For those interested in doily patterns, missalicefaye put me onto a site, Yarn Over Lace, ( http://ww.yarnover.net/index.html ) that has lots of nice patterns that have been translated into English. I plan to try one or two, but as shawls, not as doily's. I know there is a cast-on for the center ring but I've never done it. I believe it involves crochet, hence my limited experience in this area. Guess I'll have to learn something new :-)
I'm off to look at easy patterns right now (simple things for simple minds). Good evening to all!