Just for Mozilla. You asked if the Heaven is White or if it is not white enough for wedding or bridal white. I actually think it's pretty white. This was shot when I first bought it and is lying on a piece of muslin which is not a very white color. It's not blindingly white however. Now that I have arrived back home from visiting my brother and sister-in-law (holiday grilling!) I have shot the Heaven next to some Zephyr in white on a piece of white typing paper. The Zephyr is actually more white but still not bridal white. Both the Zephyr and the Heaven have a touch of yellow to them. If you are trying to match the white to a brides gown you will need a swatch of the fabric from that gown to match it to I'm afraid. I've been in a few dress shops that did bride gowns. It's surprising how wide a range of "White" there really is. Good luck with that project.