OK Opal. You wanted to see the doily, you get the doily! Yeah. I cast-on another doily since you all helped me out with those instructions I could not figure out. How could I resist? LOL!
I have to say I think that doily's are my "socks". Small projects, portable, fun to knit, quickly done. I never could get into the whole sock thing but doily's, I think this has real potential. Yes, I'm still knitting on Lyra (I'm up to row 145 of 180 rows) and yes, I'm still working on the "brain death" edging of Boundary Waters (rounding the third corner and heading towards home stretch). And no, I'm not "feeling the love" from the WRS yet. I think Lyra and Boundary Waters will end up done at the same time so I can just have a "blocking fest" using the shawl frame. So this little 88 row doily (I'm on row 63) is just the ticket to keep me from a bad case of "Start-itis". I do not need to start another large project just yet.
The doily is from Burda Kunststrickent / Folge 1: Alles aus Garn which I bought on E-Bay. The doily has no name that I can find in this magazine and if it says who designed it I can't find it. Of course, it's in German so maybe it is in the text somewhere. I did find Herbert Nieblings name in there but that does not mean that all of the lace in that magazine is from him. Still, that little doily sure feels like it could be one of his. Any one what to guess just what flower this is? I'm thinking "Bleeding Heart" or something like it. Short post. I have to go knit now or I will never finish anything!